tis is the 1st post in English
**since ying complained it for n times**
let me start fr last week
u might ask y is last week?
because there was a public holiday on fri^^
because of tat fri, my father suggested tat v go for a short term trip
how he wish he can go Singapore
**blink blink** dream-ing
i juz answered : ohhh
[after listen 2 it for many times]
but mum rejected it early because of some reasons
tis made us feel disappointed n moody
n she suggested to go a place which called Bukit Merah in Ipoh?!
Goshh, i told her tat if going there ...i prefer stay at home>.<
1st day
i decide not to sleep whole night since dad said tat going out at 6am sth
i kept tis n tat till 2 am sth except cloths
because i dunno wat 2 bring
n i noe tat i need around 2 hours more 2 decide the cloths
therefore, i slept for 2 hours since i have ntg to do ady except choosing wat 2 wear in there
around 4am sth...wake up n packed cloths into my bag

till 6am sth, v started our journey
looked at my passport
big diff, i think tat
**selamat pergi, selamat balik**
fr 7am sth till 11am,finally v reached to Johor
n we stopped in City Square for an hour shopping
lunch in there

n i bought my camera in there
den continue to Singapore
i like Singapore because of their rulesNot allowed to throw rubbish anywhere
after v passed by the custom
v can't find a way tat can reach 2 town
at tat moment, i use dad's phone
GPS function
keep stuck-ing
i pressed till my finger cramped
but still have 2 try
finally it helped us 2 find out the way after almost 1 hour =.=
thanks ,GPS~~
dad booked same hotel,YMCA in Orchard Road
the famous road in Singapore
silly gurl carrying the xiiao hong [tangan tak senang nak ambil]
after putting the luggage n took our bath

v went 2 Bugis Street wi MRT

my sis asked y the elevator so fast
i said because Singaporean always rush here n there
Chinese ppl said, 一寸光阴 一寸金 寸金难买寸光阴
gud explaination** proud**
walau, tis is the 1st time i ate my dinner at 9pm sth since long time ago i got my 9pm食禁
mum ordered fried rice n chay kuew tiao
expensive to say, almost $7sth each plate
tat mean RM17++/plate
i think v can get a bigger plate in M'sia
forget about it
after tat, v went 2 shopping in tat street

sis n me bought a few pieces
i was regreted as i said 2 my frens tat i won't buy any cloth in there
but i could not take out money for expensive cloth
therefore, i juz bought cheap 1
around 10pm sth ,v back 2 our room
i luv their MRT service
can go here n there as long as u holding a MRT MAP