Yesterday went to fren's house again...their house damn big de lorr n v had some gambling^^but i keep on losing $$,my fren earn a movie ticket money while i lose a movie ticket although i didn't watch with them,pity>.<
they feel pity of mii ❤ ... den she asked her maid to cook for us,i worry abit because i dun eat rice=.=
at the end, we all were surprise ... because it was chicken chop, high class??cincai larr, juz a description =)
den v continue wi gambling game , i juz mentioned tat i didn't take any photos....maybe next time?but i wanna HUATT ahhh~~~
Next day, actually is today....
i took out few pieces old t-shirts...which i keep in the store since it was not suit for mii few years ago...
wi tis...hehehe
i cut cut n cut... n it became like tis...
add a singlet in inside...n it looks different at all ,right??❤
P/S: PLS IGNORE MY expression in tis photo!! i know it looks weird>.<
collar at here!!^^
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