而且這個時候 白天和黑夜之間 交錯著最美的句點。 (歌詞囖)
因為它只有一瞬間 而變得珍貴
walao 突然露出感性那面XD
Change back to english version,kay??
I can write faster ,hahahaaaa....( OS: You very rush mehhh??)
Fine, I' m moody because of my assignment
In last post, I was rushing to do my assignment
and nw...
till half way niaaa. I have no idea with a part of design
Hmmmm....creative pls~~~
Someone asked me to post the foods so I juz post it,kay kay~~
Will these looks delicious??
Its were our delivery dinner.Let's guess which 1 is mine=)

Another sad case!!!
My line was lag and sot.This make me pek cek which means feel bad now
I started to camwhore. A few syok sendiri photos which looks so pek cekkkkk...

Time to say bye again.
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