Instagram Love❤


#0101: Happy New Year

Happy new year?
the first day of a brand new year.(:
I had dim sum as brunch with my lovely family.

Then,we went to pyramid again. However,sista and I had nothing to shop or place to go so we went to "lan kai". 
#1st place: Playground. She played drum while I played basketball.The most fun game is hitting the dinosaur game.

#2: Merry Christmas!!! Although christmas was passed  but the christmas theme decoration is still exists so we took some photo with it.

#3: Surprise!!! Dazzling's toast came to Malaysia?!!! We not sure with that...hahaaa. It is in ZenQ now. Sista and I were craving for it long time ago. It was a good news for us.Heheee. We decided to try it.

 my comment: Decoration attract people while taste ....**Hmmmm**
It was nice but those ingredients were a bit ordinary for mii
However, is a good try for everyone
since most of us never try that before,right?
This toast has it own steps to eat it so better ask people to serve if you don't know.(:
We took a photo with it. ( Copy my sista's pose XD)

Lastly , showing a polaroid photo in 2012.
Making wish to a well.
Wish all the best for you!!^^

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