Suddenly feel "behtahan" to blog about today or now. Actually I was supposed to start my revision now for my japanese quiz now. But, was too tired after a hangout since evening till now so maybe I should lay to my lovely bed now? **wishing** Fine, as you see my #topicoftheday is about the fierce wife movie.幸福,难不难。I wanted to watch this since long long time or N months ago?**to prove that I'm their fan** I was probably "bang-ing" my heart when I know the showtime started around 18th Oct which I just back to university for new semester.
However, I was back again since there was public holiday last few I GOTTA THE CHANCE TO WATCH!!! **yeahhhhh hurrayyyyyy** Yawn, got the ticket few hours ago before we went to Mid Valley. Ohhhya,wanted to give a "LIKE" to GSC app. I was quite disappointed with their e-ticket service before this. (( filling up the form but still can't get my ticket, @#$%& But lastly I found this app in App Store which they introduced this recently.