Suddenly feel "behtahan" to blog about today or now. Actually I was supposed to start my revision now for my japanese quiz now. But, was too tired after a hangout since evening till now so maybe I should lay to my lovely bed now? **wishing** Fine, as you see my #topicoftheday is about the fierce wife movie.幸福,难不难。I wanted to watch this since long long time or N months ago?**to prove that I'm their fan** I was probably "bang-ing" my heart when I know the showtime started around 18th Oct which I just back to university for new semester.
However, I was back again since there was public holiday last few I GOTTA THE CHANCE TO WATCH!!! **yeahhhhh hurrayyyyyy** Yawn, got the ticket few hours ago before we went to Mid Valley. Ohhhya,wanted to give a "LIKE" to GSC app. I was quite disappointed with their e-ticket service before this. (( filling up the form but still can't get my ticket, @#$%& But lastly I found this app in App Store which they introduced this recently.

Get to the app and press to the cinema categories. For example, I choose GSC Mid Valley. Then, search for the movie that you want to watch and fill some of your details while you can also choose your seat and pay it through M2U or Paypal or RHB online. Then, your tickets are ready. Easy right? My tickets are as below. Went to the counter and collect in less than 2 minutes. Pretty save time;) **pity to see people Q-ing there with evil face**
Back to the movie, it was actually a Taiwan drama previously and then turn it to a movie. Although some people might said you can watch it without follow the drama but I still feel that it will be more good if you watch the drama before this. For my personal feeling, I prefer more to mystery ending which the movie or drama end with endless because it can depend on your own imagination. However, I still love this drama or even their movie recently. 隋棠 was still so pretty in the movie and even getting more pretty with her new hairstyle in this movie.She has a super perfect sexy body shape that shown in the movie. **jealous**

For me, I will prefer to say it more like a continuous story about for 4 of them while not only 2 guys chasing a woman. 安真 showing as a divorced woman that more hard to believe marriage since the past experience. With too much 不安...make her too hard to decide. New relationship too much 恐惧 and might get same hurt in future.(( I cried few times in the movie when she lost her mind. Maybe not even after marriage, but in a relationship too. Girl scare get hurt again after the first time and not dare to move forward to bet anymore in love. 再一次去愛,是幸福的終點,還是另一個錯誤的開始?(But i quite curious till now...why I cry when the last part when the screen showing ending with the song.Haha.
On the other hand, I was touching again when 微恩was back her son (Oliver). He said out " 爸爸,拜拜。" with his super chubby face.

I think I missed out this part since I didn't see this in the movie. Got cut by them.
瑞宣 and 康德 still sooooo cute in the movie. Love their part alot.
At the end, I still love the movie ending.
and the song too.
幸福 难不难。
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