Instagram Love❤


Merdeka steamboat

happy merdeka day...
wat a normal day=.=

but diff for us

because 9 gurls had our own merdeka steamboat
in our dear ying's house
**keep kacau-ing her mochi**

i am the 1st who reached her house
because tat gurl still laying on her bed >.<
2nd was our dear poh who brought the ingredients
started our preparation n tat gurl wake up n came down
wash tis n tat cook tis n tat
3rd was tat 3 pretty gurls, ahh yer, wen n ling
den zy lin aka ke ai de
hui ling
shu theng
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 n me...9 gurls
actually suppose 10 gurls...perfect 10~
but our brilliant miss chee hui went back 2 her kampung in banting today
missed her chicken wings jorr
flied away liao

around 1pm sth we done all
n drinking our loh han guo tat cooked by our dear poh
she was the one who most most busy on today
appreciated her alot
enjoyed our meals
**full jorr**

konnyaku made by wen
taste nice^^

waiting for next outing =]


Singapore trip 【1 ♥】

tis is the 1st post in English
**since ying complained it for n times**

let me start fr last week
u might ask y is last week?
because there was a public holiday on fri^^
because of tat fri, my father suggested tat v go for a short term trip
how he wish he can go Singapore
**blink blink** dream-ing
i juz answered : ohhh
[after listen 2 it for many times]
but mum rejected it early because of some reasons
tis made us feel disappointed n moody
n she suggested to go a place which called Bukit Merah in Ipoh?!
Goshh, i told her tat if going there ...i prefer stay at home>.<

1st day

i decide not to sleep whole night since dad said tat going out at 6am sth
i kept tis n tat till 2 am sth except cloths
because i dunno wat 2 bring
n i noe tat i need around 2 hours more 2 decide the cloths
therefore, i slept for 2 hours since i have ntg to do ady except choosing wat 2 wear in there
around 4am sth...wake up n packed cloths into my bag

till 6am sth, v started our journey
looked at my passport
big diff, i think tat
**selamat pergi, selamat balik**
fr 7am sth till 11am,finally v reached to Johor
n we stopped in City Square for an hour shopping
lunch in there

n i bought my camera in therehappy-ig
den continue to Singapore
i like Singapore because of their rules

Not allowed to throw rubbish anywhere
after v passed by the custom
v can't find a way tat can reach 2 town
at tat moment, i use dad's phone
GPS function

keep stuck-ing
i pressed till my finger cramped
but still have 2 try
finally it helped us 2 find out the way after almost 1 hour =.=
thanks ,GPS~~

dad booked same hotel,YMCA in Orchard Road
the famous road in Singapore
silly gurl carrying the xiiao hong [tangan tak senang nak ambil]
after putting the luggage n took our bath

v went 2 Bugis Street wi MRT

my sis asked y the elevator so fast
i said because Singaporean always rush here n there
Chinese ppl said, 一寸光阴 一寸金 寸金难买寸光阴
gud explaination** proud**
walau, tis is the 1st time i ate my dinner at 9pm sth since long time ago i got my 9pm食禁
mum ordered fried rice n chay kuew tiao
expensive to say, almost $7sth each plate
tat mean RM17++/plate
i think v can get a bigger plate in M'sia
forget about it

after tat, v went 2 shopping in tat street

sis n me bought a few pieces
i was regreted as i said 2 my frens tat i won't buy any cloth in there
but i could not take out money for expensive cloth
therefore, i juz bought cheap 1
around 10pm sth ,v back 2 our room

i luv their MRT service

can go here n there as long as u holding a MRT MAP



今天有滿足到 因為我吃了我超久想吃的 魚頭米粉啊
我跟媽媽說 我想吃 結果她問我可以自己出去買嗎
很不願意 但為了我的魚頭湯 挨下了
買了回來 發現是跟妹妹同分 本來不大碗 還被分了半碗
很不甘願 下次要吃一碗的

然後 下午在猶豫要不要吃剛剛買的藥
不是怕吃藥 而是少吃 不喜歡依賴了藥的感覺
但是 還是吃了咳嗽的

大概五點多 去了雙威


媽提議的 就酱跟去了
在那裡吃晚餐 順便逛了

妹問我去喝咖啡 我拒絕 希望下次才去
結果她問我 為什麼不舒服就不能喝 頓時心裡多了一份不好的滋味
隨便 或許不該去想 是自己的錯 沒資格怪人
我回了她一句 你沒聽過咖啡傷身嗎


啊啊啊 豆奶篇 [bearlim請我喝豆奶 ♥]

啊啊啊 慘慘慘
我今天完全不知道 原來已經快截至了
咳 虧我還以為很多時間 直到朋友告訴我今天截至了
算了 今天忙忙碌碌寫了它 是否還被接受就由天決定吧

溫水 200ML 豆奶粉 一包 湯匙 一個 我的夏天杯 一個

2. 倒入200ml的溫水。
3.把粉封口撕開, 倒入杯裡。






傷風 咳嗽 慘慘慘
但是 我還是沒戒口的習慣

昨天 跟爸媽出去了
然後中午當了司機 載了妹妹放學 然後載阿姨放工
後來就拿東西給朋友 順便一起吃下午吃的午餐
去了一間叫JOE CAFE 還不賴下


吃了很多下 然後去附近的超級市場消化逛下

今天 拍了这张



今天 我傷風了啦
喉嚨痛 傷風 發冷 沒力
我要健康回 告诉自己要支撑下去
朋友說我生病 我說我沒生病 我是打死都不會承認自己生病的
結果我朋友說我 你沒生病 只是病找你 炸>.<

我之所以放了餃子為主題 因為我今天跟它超有緣~~~

我也包了很多餃子 只是不能吃的餃子




爽爽去做愛心早餐 比薩土司
不解釋了 直接看照片忙了一個小時半的成果

然後 今天我逃學 自己休假
早上陪我啊爸去仙境 因為有超渡的形式
我堅持要去拜 媽說讀書比較重要 我說對我啊公比較重要
有點嚇倒自己這樣說== 反正都過去了
拜後就陪爸去吃他的午餐 然後急急忙忙回家沖涼去找朋友
因為上個星期就計劃好今天的行程就是 吃韓國大餐和做蛋糕

[我的冷面剩半碗  因为觉得越吃越恶]

大餐過後 我們就忙了四個小時弄這些東西
材料 打蛋 啦啦啦 然後烘烤 一直到完成
忘了說 有個主角讓我從害怕到接受它 叫mochi~~
我一直跟它說please咯 拜託它不要一直追我
懶惰說過程 直接看照片吧


发现这张 喜欢下 朋友拍了