Instagram Love❤


MAY II。 友约。



Happy holiday! Dear May

假期篇,關於剛剛結束的暑假。 **納悶著​​* 天呀,為什麼假期才兩個星期呢?為什麼就那麼快結束呢?無論如何,我還是開學了。 **被逼接受事實,哈哈** 現在換了宿舍,一個人住的套房。一個人面對著電腦打部落,配著參雜的英文快歌;另一番滋味。因為假期去了幾個地方所以可能會分幾部分來寫,又或許打了這篇又消失得無影無踪呢。噗。 :)


Lovely Mother Day 130512

Just back to KL on last Saturday...**Yawn** The next day sista and I had dinner with papa and mama because it was Mother Day.Yuppi. Besides, we celebrated daddy's belated birthday on the same day. Since we don't know what to give to mum so we decided to treat them dinner as celebration. Sista asked me to think the celebration place. In the end, we decided celebrate in Bubba Gump Restaurant.It was the first time we tried this restaurant. Yummy...rate: 5 stars:)