Guess who is tis small gurl???
猜猜他是谁 ???

is mii !!!
when small small time
sis n i found a lot of photos
when v doing some cleaning
i choose to post my1
since near to my b'day
tis is 全家福。
I'm little 1
wi my bear suit
**gong xi fa cai**
**angpau na lai**

mummy n me
in the old house
wi all presents?!

i didn't know when i took tis photo
but looks sweet gua?

my sis said tis looks so cute
playing sand ownself

i think tis took in genting
mcd in behind

dunno who took tis
n i show a "gud"
o.O 6

i had my 1st b'day party at 4 years old
in kfc,jln taiping klg
i still remember

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