let me recall back wat i did in last sat
i followed my daddy came out to fetch my sis n auntie
because no current at home since morning
hot weather + hot day
make me hotter
while waiting my sis's class finish
we have 1 hour more for free
so i got my lunch wi auntie
actually i wanna eat tat fatt choi 汉堡包
but at the end i ordered the fillet
i prefer FISH!!
after i bought some baking chocolate chips
den v went to fetch tat lil sis
mummy suggested to go setia alam pasar malam
because of CNY coming soon
after i prepared
p/s: tie up hair so tat won't get too hot =)
facing traffic jam =(
finally we reached there
we found tat the PM seperated to 2
i think those who went before
should understand wat i meant
den i took some photos
i saw tis in there
guess wat is it??
but we allow to play it mehh??==
pity of them
standing whole day at there
i hate sequence!!
many many ppl
[i trying to take more photos 4 my blog]
forgive my poor hokkien language
we can c tis food in hong kong old cantonese movie
1 gerai 1 gerai
my sis bought curry n tom yam favour
but i didn't buy tat day
maybe next time
my sis said
"jie,c a lot of sweets"
den i took 1
[p/s: i mean photo]
without buying anything
lastly we saw tis
i asked my sis to take 1
because a lot of shoes in there
some of the photos look like so blurr
don't blame me
because i need time to turn on my camera
after i thought ntg to take n off it less than 1 min
while i still walking
can't stop
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