Instagram Love❤


110511: I.K.E.A. mood♥

Yuppppppz,I went to Ikea with my ahhh dear dear yesterday.We saw alot furnitures but can I juz bring the show room back?**Laziness** We walked around to search for my table mirror and other stuff. Then,we had our brunch in the cafe there. I got the chance to try their meat balls finally!!! Hehehe........get introduced from other blogger laaaa=) Someone bringing the foods for mii

Meat balls and coffee were on the table......heheheheeeeeee.The french fries with strawberry sauce, taste for us^^

N another order ,Fish and chip again ....with the trolley

Camwhore time again

with lappy

A non-alcoholic drink
it was so special for us
because seldom to see this kind tin in Malaysia
[i saw in Singapore last time]

Time to bye again

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