Do you think this is a funny photo?
But I'm going to tell u NOT!!!
This photo showing us that
we need to give out something when we wanna get something
such like tat watermelon
it need to cut itself a "D"
to get a smile for everyone=)
**deep feeling**
But I'm going to tell u NOT!!!
This photo showing us that
we need to give out something when we wanna get something
such like tat watermelon
it need to cut itself a "D"
to get a smile for everyone=)
**deep feeling**

I went out everyday last week
I thought I will rest at home on saturday morning till evening
but my lil gurl asked me for outing
because she said it might a last outing for us
before I come back
n she paid the bill for mii
Sorry lahhh,dearXD
before tat we went to pizza
but what we wanna eat don't have sell
so we change place to have our brunch
some1 asked my sis not to take their environment photo
but I was juz took few pieces before she said tat
I thought I will rest at home on saturday morning till evening
but my lil gurl asked me for outing
because she said it might a last outing for us
before I come back
n she paid the bill for mii
Sorry lahhh,dearXD
before tat we went to pizza
but what we wanna eat don't have sell
so we change place to have our brunch
some1 asked my sis not to take their environment photo
but I was juz took few pieces before she said tat

Camwhore time again
I'm addicted to take 4-shot nowadays
Do u see the 4th photo???
1st time I was smiling like tat
I'm addicted to take 4-shot nowadays
Do u see the 4th photo???
1st time I was smiling like tat

What we ordered
miina:spaghetti + caffe float shared with her[[tasted :hmmmm....]]
lil gurl: fish porridge
miina:spaghetti + caffe float shared with her[[tasted :hmmmm....]]
lil gurl: fish porridge
After tat we changed location to secret
because of the line
so we changed to here
but still bad line
make mii............ **Hmph**
so we took alot photo while waiting for the line
it might be last camwhore with her before I get back here

C this
we played the distortion
which I wanna play loooong time ago
I got "大头症"
translate into pinyin
"Da Tou Zheng" XD
I went for a primary gathering at night
almost 15 or 16 persons in there
Tis was a gurl group photo
all pretty liao
except mii >.<

while whole gang 1 in another guy's phone
We were so so so lucky!!!!
Why I'm saying so luckyyy?
because we were lost contact with 1 classmate actually
and I juz heard some1 saying he like went to singapore
but We saw him in there
and he was a worker for that cafe also
he was the one who reserved tables for us
**Big weird**
Went to gathering with few friends yesterday in pyramid.
We sang K for 3 and half hours
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